Exterior – Green in So Many Ways
Over the past 10 years, Growing Solutions has provided golf courses throughout the Midwest with solutions needed for maintaining their turf grass at the highest level.
Building upon the knowledge we’ve gained over the past decade, Growing Solutions has upped the ante with an Environmental Center that is state of the art; it reduces waste, recycles water and saves money.
Here are some key features:
Chemical Storage Building
Secure storage of harmful pesticides is key to worker safety. Our world class units provide complete peace of mind with double-wall steel construction and a fire suppression system, removable floors and an easy-to-clean sump-pit are installed. In case of spills, easy access ramp and 3 levels of sidewall shelving make storage a breeze

15′ x 10′ Load/Rinse Pad
Ideal for keeping contaminants out of the environment, this pad makes mixing and loading pesticides easy. If there is a spill, it is contained and pumped out through an ejector pump system.
Wash-Water Recycling System
How much do you spend annually for water on your golf course?
Our wash water recycling system will save thousands of gallons of water per year. Our systems include an air compressor, outside reel and air hose, shallow pump and a round sump pump that collects and pumps water, grass clippings
and solids to the grass clipping separator.
This unit can be completely constructed as a year-round building or an open-air canopy, and features everything need to care for your turf responsibly.
A. Overhead Fill Station – Fast easy and clean way to fill your spray tanks.
B. Grass Clipping Cart – Easy way to collect and haul away your grass clippings.
C. Grass Clipping Separator – Efficient way to separate the grass clippings from the water stream.
D. Setting Tank – Allows solids to settle out so they are not introduced into your water treatment system.
E. Sediment Containment System – Contains the solids from the settling tank in a sediment bag for easy disposal.
F. Mixing Table – For measuring and mixing pesticides.
G. Ozone Option – Unlike our competition, we offer Ozone treatment as an option that protects employees. Ozone sanitizes the water before it is reused to clean your equipment.
H. Wash Water Recycle System
I. Chemical Load Rinse Pad
If you would like more information on the Growing Solutions Environmental Center and how we can customize one for your needs, contact us today.